New People, New Mission, Exciting Future

California Special Needs Law (CSNLG) is growing and expanding to meet the needs of individuals in our community with extra learning needs.

We updated our mission, vision and values to better reflect our work and outreach. Our new mission of Advocating and Protecting the Education and Developmental Rights of Individuals with Exceptional Needs guides us in everything we do.

Helpful Resources 

We are very focused on providing useful and actionable resources for parents, guardians and other caregivers. Take a look at our resources page. We are in the beginning stages, so check back often to find the latest updates.

We Need Your Input 

Our ideas for articles, blog posts, thoughts, opinions guides, interviews and videos come from people like you. What questions, curiosities or thoughts do you have? Feel free to reach out to me via email ( with your ideas at any time.

Understanding Why Some School Districts Are Suing Parents

Richard Isaacs, Attorney and Founder

With the start of the 2017-2018 school year well on its way, I have noticed more due process filings by school districts against families.

A due process hearing means either party, in this case the districts, are asking the court system to intervene and make a ruling.

While this might sound alarming at first, it is often legally necessary for school districts to take such drastic actions. The law is clear that when parents request public funding of independent educational evaluations (IEE’s) the school district must fund the assessments or file for due process to show their own assessments are appropriate. The legal standard for assessment compliance is low and the courts are routinely finding district assessments comply with the law.

As such, school districts are filing more often.

Interestingly, and unfortunately, districts sometimes file for due process even when they know their assessments are not defensible. There is a clear strategy for them here: It helps them enter into a settlement agreement to fund the requested IEEs and thereby insulate themselves from liability. They add waiver language to the proposed agreement.

School districts are also filing more often to defend the appropriateness of their IEP offer. While the law merely states the school district may file to enforce its IEP, court decisions have recently come out holding districts liable if they do not file for due process. The ruling expects them to seek judicial intervention in overriding a parent’s lack of consent to necessary educational services. In other words, if parents do not fully consent to the proposed IEP, and the district believes the services are necessary, they are required to file for due process.

This is an unfortunate development in the law because it now elevates an IEP dispute to the litigation level. Parents are practically forced to hire an attorney to defend against the school district’s lawsuit.

Sadly, a recent court case has also called into question whether families can be represented at the administrative court level by educational advocates. For families who could not afford an attorney and advocate is a much less expensive option.

This appears to no longer be the case.

It is strange that the state of California is taking such an aggressive stance against parents who have children with special needs. With the increased filings against families and the shrinking set of options parents have to defend themselves, California is moving backward.

If your school district ever files for due process against you it is important to seek legal advice on how to move forward. Regardless if you hire an attorney or not, you should at least contact an attorney who specializes in special education law and obtain a clear understanding of your rights. The Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) has a list of low cost and free attorneys you can use to find a law firm that you feel comfortable working with.

As always, we are happy to help too.

Recent Blog Posts and Audio Discussions

Audio Interview: Understanding Assessments

You notice your child is not performing in school as well as his/her peers and you begin to think something is going on. It is at this point that you, or an educator, might suggest an assessment be given.

My wife and I very much remember when this happened. We also remember all the questions we had.

In today’s talk with educational psychologist Dr. Perry Passarro, we address all those questions and more. Listen in as we pull back part of the curtain behind what assessments are all about.

Listen Now

Blog Post: All Students Want to Do Well

CSNLG publishes regular blog posts on topics relevant to the special needs community.

This week we are sharing “All Students, Yes All Students, Want to Do Well.” I take this topic very personally and as a father and part-time classroom teacher, I try to remind myself of this core belief every day.

Read Now

Get to Know Us a Little Better

Michael Boll Father to a teenage son with autism
California Special Needs Law Group



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